ACL Policies and Guidelines Skip to main content
Office of Information Technology

ACL Policies and Guidelines

Academic Computing Lab Services


As a user of the Brigham Young University–Hawaii Campus Computer Lab, you have certain rights and responsibilities. This list is subject to revision at any time it is your responsibility to abide by the most current list.

Your rights as a user of an ACLS lab:

A clean and comfortable environment in which to study.
Access to functional equipment.
Friendly and knowledgeable service.

Your responsibilities as a user of an ACLS lab:

Adhere to the BYU–H Honor and Dress Codes
Honor the Rights and Privacy of other users.
Use only those accounts which are assigned to you, and protect your account(s) from use by others.
When the lab is full, non-academic users will be asked to yield their computer to waiting academic users.
Immediately comply with requests from lab assistants.

The following are NOT allowed in any ACLS lab:

Abuse or harassment of other persons and lab employees.
Abuse or unauthorized usage of lab equipment.
Food, beverages, gum, or possession of open food containers in the Lab.
Possessing, printing, or showing on the screen offensive materials. Including pornographic and ALL other forms of offensive materials.
Software Piracy (the illegal copying of software).
Using and/or installing personal software on lab computers.
Wasting lab resources: including printing more than once, using lab resources for personal profit, or using lab resources for other than academic work during peak hours.
Game playing, except during authorized club activities.

Possible sanctions for violators include:

Dismissal from the Academic Computing Lab.
Suspension of Lab and/or Network privileges.
Referral to the BYU–H Standards Office.