ITI Telephone Services supports telephone headsets, connections, and fax capabilities to the university and the Polynesian Cultural Center. We also support the UCCX (Cisco Unified Contact Center Express) system for the BYUH Call Center/Operators as well as PCC Reservations.
Please report any phone, voicemail and fax issues to the Call Center at 808-675-3921
Instructions: Make sure you have Adobe Reader
To forward your office phone, follow these instructions:
- Forward All(Newer phones) or CFwdALL(older phones)
- To forward calls from your office phone, press Forward all.
- Press 9 then enter your local 7 digit phone number
- To cancel call forwarding, press Forward off or CFwdALL.
Faculty/Staff Employees - Setup Voicemail
BYUH-Generics - Setup voicemail
Faculty/Staff Voicemail System
BYUH–Generic (Student Employee, Receptionist) - Voicemail System
Dialing Patterns - Dial long-distance, fax, new patterns
Update Speed Dial
Stratafax Solution (fax over IP)
Cisco Unity Connection - faculty/staff mailboxes
Cisco Unity Connection - generic mailboxes
Download IP Phone Customization.pdf