Workday Platform Divestiture Project
What is Workday Platform?
Workday Human Capital Management + Financials = Platform
Workday Platform is a software suite for businesses to manage their employment and financials business affairs. This includes functions like HR Recruiting, Employee Records, Job Data, Payroll Processing and Benefits, in the Human Capital Management (HCM) suite. As well as all Accounting, General Ledger, Asset Tracking, Vendors, Purchasing, Travel & Expenses in the Financials suite.
Who Uses Platform?
All job applicants, employees, managers, and administrators use Workday HCM and Financials to perform related job functions.
When did Platform Start?
Since 2015, BYU–Hawaii, BYU–Idaho, and Ensign College have been collaborating and using the same shared server or “tenant”. It was a pilot project to have all three campuses share resources and was successful overall despite some unique constraints based on how each campus operates and software design limitations.
What is Divestiture?
The roadmap to future software requirements does not allow us to continue sharing a single tenant as we have been up to today. To implement the Workday Student system, we must separate into single-campus tenants and de-couple our data and configuration from the other campuses in the tenant.
When is Divestiture Happening?
September 21, 2025, BYUH will launch a new Workday Platform without any BYU–Idaho or Ensign College configuration or data.
How Will This Impact Me?
Some notable changes after divestiture will include
- Workday Platform authentication page will go straight to BYUH single sign-on.
- Users will be instructed to update their mobile app settings to point to the new Workday tenant.
- No confusing location prefixes on codes since everything will be Hawaii specific.
- Historical payroll data prior to Jan. 2024 will be stored in an alternate file location rather than under the Pay worklet.
- Global search results will only contain Hawaii-specific options.
- Report and Integration naming conventions will be modified, and users may need updated security to access them.
What Do I Need to Do?
Stay tuned for updates on this web page, in Campus Bulletins, and through the Change Agent Network (CAN) team meetings.
To learn more about Student Information System project, click the link below:
Workday Student Information System (SIS) Project